Blood Collection Chairs

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Blood Collection Chairs

The main reasons for blood collection chairs include safety and comfort to the patient as well as easy accessibility to either arm of the patient. It is important to make sure the patient feels safe during the phlebotomy procedure. Many patients experience needle phobia, feel nauseated at the sight of blood, and may even faint during the procedure.
Multiple types of chairs are now available. There are bariatric chairs used for larger patients as well as for young patients being assisted by a parent. Some chairs can recline to better assist patients known to faint during venipuncture.
A phlebotomist should ask the patient prior to blood collection if they have experienced fainting during the procedure. If that is the case, the patient needs to be placed on a reclining phlebotomy chair.
For patients in wheelchairs, there are special armrests designed to accommodate blood collection without moving the patient from their wheelchair.
Figures 13 and 14. Images courtesy of Custom Comfort Medtek.

Figure 13. Blood collection chairs
Figure 14. Bariatric blood draw chair