Risks of Transfusing Unmatched Red Blood Cells

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course The Disappearing Antibody: A Case Study. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Risks of Transfusing Unmatched Red Blood Cells

We often "get away" with transfusing unmatched red blood cells because the incidence of unexpected antibodies in patients experiencing medical emergencies is thought to be relatively low (~3–5% is sometimes cited but with little solid evidence).
Antibody incidence may vary according to several factors:
  • Genetic disposition
  • Patient's underlying disease
  • Number of prior transfusions
  • Gender (childbearing patients may be exposed to foreign antigens via fetomaternal bleeds as well as transfusion)
  • Concordance of antigen phenotypes of patients vs. blood donors in a given locale
In general, antibody incidence increases with the number of transfusions, although most antibody producers will respond within the first 3–4 transfusions. Antibody incidence is very high in transfusion-dependent patients, such as those with sickle cell anemia or thalassemia.
Regardless of likelihood, transfusing uncrossmatched blood to a patient with unexpected antibodies can result in a serious hemolytic transfusion reaction.