WAIHA Investigation: Serological Findings Following Elution

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WAIHA Investigation: Serological Findings Following Elution

A summary of the possible serological findings of a WAIHA investigation following elution is presented in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Potential Serological Findings following Elution in WAIHA.
DAT Result (IgG and/or Complement)
Serum/Plasma Antibody Screen/Identification
Warm autoantibody reactive in eluate only
Positive Negative
Not indicated
Warm autoantibody reactive in serum/plasma and eluate; no underlying alloantibodies
Reactive with all panel cells tested
No reactivity after adsorption
Warm autoantibody reactive in serum/plasma and eluate; underlying alloantibodies that must be identified
Reactive with all panel cells tested
Reactivity after adsorption