Besides exchange transfusion, postnatal treatment of HDFN may include the following:
RBC Transfusion
Many infants who have received IUTs also require simple RBC transfusions in the first few weeks of life to treat ongoing hemolysis caused by persistent maternal antibody in the newborn's circulation.
Phototherapy is used to treat jaundice in preterm infants without HDFN and in infants with mild HDFN. Intensive phototherapy has also been used to treat moderate and severe HDFN and decrease the need for exchange transfusion.
Human Serum Albumin
Human serum albumin can also be transfused, either separately or as part of an exchange transfusion in place of FFP. Albumin binds unconjugated bilirubin, thus preventing its deposition in the fat-rich brain cells. Albumin must be used judiciously because it can aggravate congestive heart failure.