N:C ratio (nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio) - The ratio of nuclear volume to cytoplasmic volume within any one cell.
Neoplasm - Any new and abnormal growth, such as a tumor.
Neutrophilic granules - Specific granules present in the cytoplasm of neutrophils. These granules resemble pencil stippling and stain a lilac color due to their affinity for both basic and acid dyes.
Phagocyte - Any cell that ingests microorganisms, other cells, or foreign particles.
Phagocytosis - The ingestion and destruction of microorganisms or other foreign particles.
Plasma - The fluid portion of blood in which the various blood cells are suspended.
PF3 (platelet factor 3) - A lipoprotein component of the platelet membrane; functions as a surface catalyst during blood coagulation.
Pseudopod - A temporary protrusion of the cytoplasm of a cell.
Refractile - Capable of refracting or changing the direction of light.
Senescence - The process or condition of growing old.
Serotonin - A constituent of blood platelets and other cells and organs; induces constriction of the blood vessels.
Specific Granules - Granules found in cells of the more mature stages of the granulocytic series. They have distinct staining reactions, which differ with each type of granulocyte.
T-cell - Thymus derived lymphocyte, which mediates cellular immunity.
Thrombocyte (Platelet) - A granular fragment of a megakaryocyte’s cytoplasm which participates in hemostasis.
Thymus - A ductless gland-like body situated in the anterior mediastinal cavity; reaches its maximum development during the early years of childhood.
Vacuole - Any small space or cavity formed in the cytoplasm of a cell.