Beta Thalassemia Intermedia

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Beta Thalassemia Intermedia

Clinically, beta thalassemia intermedia is midway in severity between major and minor. Growth and development in children with this disorder can usually be considered normal, and most patients have a normal life span; however, some patients have facial bone deformity and/or splenomegaly. Hemoglobin levels are usually decreased with a disproportionately high red blood cell count.
Transfusions (again with iron-chelating agents) may be used as a supportive therapy if necessary.
Beta thalassemia is attributed to a wide variety of genotypes, including B+/B+, B0/B+, or B0/B. All of the genotypes have in common a significant reduction in the production of the beta-globin chain, with a subsequent reduction in the quantity of HbA.