Communicating Your Recommendation
Going back to an example used earlier in the course, imagine that you are called by your GI department and asked to bring in a new laboratory test that measures stool calprotectin levels. Your laboratory sends 30–40 of these tests monthly to a reference lab. Should you now start performing this test in-house, in your own lab?
You have now undertaken an evidenced-based review of the clinical benefits and the practicality of bringing stool calprotectin testing in-house. Based on your review, you decide to recommend this change. You must now compile your conclusions coherently and effectively so that you can communicate them and garner the needed support. Rather than writing pages of text or dozens of PowerPoint slides, consider doing the following:
- Write a one-page summary of your research assessment. List citations that evaluate best practices. For our example, this would entail summarizing the latest research on the sensitivity and specificity of the calprotectin test you plan to purchase and how it can positively affect patient outcomes, experiences, or cost. Always cite references and make copies of research articles available.
- On a separate document, list the people in your organization who have endorsed or will need to endorse this change. For example, the Chief of Gastroenterology, other GI clinician sponsors, the laboratory manager, the lab's CLIA director, the purchasing or accounts manager, and the LIS or informatics manager of the lab. This document may be (or may become) an institutional form that stakeholders can use to sign off on a proposed change formally.
- Draft a simple flow diagram that describes the proposed process, starting with the test order (how will the order look to the clinician, who can order it, and how will the result be reported to the clinician). This diagram should summarize all the handling, transport, and other steps in the process.
- Provide a brief business case for your proposal. In our example, this would mean listing the cost of internalizing this test compared with the current practice of sending it out.
Once you have completed these four documents, you can formally circulate the proposal to get buy-in from all affected parties. While the EBP aspect of the change is usually focused only on the first research page, the other documents and steps will help summarize the overall plan.