Evidence-Based Decision Making

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Evidence-Based Practice Applied to the Clinical Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Evidence-Based Practice Applied to the Clinical Laboratory (online CE course)
Evidence-Based Decision Making

As we consider EBP, we should emphasize that up-to-date, current research is preferred over older information. Medicine evolves quickly, and practices change too frequently to make old details reliable. Modern evidence-based decision-making emphasizes "current" and "best" clinical and research-based evidence and relates this information directly to patient care.
Up-to-date information usually describes evidence from research studies and current best clinical practices, known as the Standard of Care.
Applying evidence-based methods to decision-making will result in quality improvement. These steps that reflect an EBP approach are recommended when working through a clinical laboratory problem or evaluating a change in process:
  • ASK: Formulate a question.
  • ACQUIRE: Search for relevant and meaningful data and information.
  • APPRAISE: Appraise/assess the evidence.
  • APPLY: Make recommendations and summarize your case based on the evidence.
  • IMPLEMENT: Once approved, implement the process change.
  • AUDIT: Audit and assess the process change.