HCV Transmission

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HCV Transmission

HCV has been found in blood and has the same occupational transmission routes as HBV.
HCV infection generally occurs through large or repeated direct percutaneous exposure to blood, most often through injection-drug use. Smaller numbers of infections have been associated with sexual contact, occupational exposure of health care workers, and transfusion (once a common means of transmission but now rare in the United States since blood screening for HCV became available in 1992).
The Hepatitis C virus can survive outside the body at room temperature, on environmental surfaces, for up to 3 weeks.
2. Da Oger, Grook. "HCV structure." Wikimedia Commons, 11 Mar. 2008, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HCV_structure.png. Accessed March 13, 2023.

The structure of Hepatitis C virus (2).