Treatment for Coagulation Inhibitors

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Detecting and Evaluating Coagulation Inhibitors and Factor Deficiencies. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Detecting and Evaluating Coagulation Inhibitors and Factor Deficiencies (online CE course)
Treatment for Coagulation Inhibitors

Currently, there are several treatment options for patients suffering from coagulation inhibitors:
  • Treat the patient by administering recombinant factor replacements. For example, a recombinant factor VIII or factor IX can treat acquired hemophilia due to coagulation inhibitors.
  • Treat the patient with immunosuppressants, such as prednisone, to prevent large amounts of coagulation antibodies from forming. Then, factor replacement can be given to the patient.
  • If lupus anticoagulant is suspected, anticoagulants may be ordered to prevent thrombotic episodes.
  • Often, for treatment purposes, a patient is given a very high level of the coagulation factor that the antibody is targeting. The goal is to overwhelm the antibody with excess factor so that the antibody is neutralized and the residual factor can participate in the normal coagulation process.