The newborn showed no clinical evidence of HDFN or early newborn hyperbilirubinemia, with related laboratory tests as follows (laboratory's reference ranges for newborns in brackets).
Test | USA | SI |
Hemoglobin | 16 g/dL [13.5 - 21.0 g/dL]
| 160 g/L [130.5 - 226.0 g/L]* |
Hematocrit | 52% [43 - 62%] | 0.52 [0.43 - 0.62] |
Total Bilirubin (cord blood) | 2.1 mg/dL [<2.5 mg/dL] | 35.9 µmol/L [<43 µmol/L] |
*Most countries that adopted SI do not use the official SI unit for Hb (mmol/L) but rather use g/L.