Serologic Tests on Newborn

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Rh-Negative Mother with Anti-D at Delivery: A Case Study. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Rh-Negative Mother with Anti-D at Delivery: A Case Study (online CE course)
Serologic Tests on Newborn

Based on the results of the mini-panel, the laboratory concluded that only anti-D was present and that it was consistent with the administration of RhIG at 28 weeks.
Patient A.D. delivered a 5 lb 13 oz baby by C-section with serologic test results on cord blood as follows. Well-washed cord red cells were used for ABO and Rh(D) typing to remove possible Wharton's jelly.
Before proceeding to the next page, evaluate if the infant's ABO and Rh(D) types are valid. You will be asked questions that assess basic knowledge of blood grouping practices and test results for newborns.
Forward Group
Reverse Group
anti-Aanti-BA1 cellsB cellsanti-D*
NT = not tested / *monoclonal IgM anti-D
Polyspecific AHGw+2+
w+ = microscopic positive; AHG = antihuman globulin serum; CC = IgG-sensitized cells
Note: It is the lab's policy to add IgG-sensitized cells to weak antiglobulin test results.