Alternative Assessment Procedure (AAP)

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Proficiency Test Handling and Communication. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Alternative Assessment Procedure (AAP)

An alternative assessment procedure (AAP) is a procedure that may be incorporated into proficiency testing (PT) and quality assessment (QA) plans to determine or confirm the reliability of test methods and act as an additional monitor of ongoing patient test accuracy.
AAPs may be utilized:
  • when commercial PT is not available
  • if available, PT does not fully meet the needs of the laboratory (as determined by the PT plan)
  • for an unregulated analyte whether or not commercial PT is available
  • for a test method/analyte for which PT is not required
AAPs are incorporated into the laboratory's PT plan and monitored as a part of the QA plan, ensuring the required elements of the PT process are fulfilled. An AAP may not replace available commercial PT for regulated analytes. Still, it may serve as a primary PT method for nonproficiency testing-regulated analytes or a second test method for a regulated analyte.