Identifying General Cell Types Associated with Surface Markers

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Introduction to Flow Cytometry: Blood Cell Identification. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Identifying General Cell Types Associated with Surface Markers

The following associations can be made between specific surface markers and cell types, as seen in Table 2. Please note that only the most basic associated cell types are addressed; this is an introductory flow cytometry course.
This page also includes a PDF file of this table, which can be printed to use as a reference for case studies presented later in the course.
Table 2. Associations Between Surface Markers and Cell Types.
Surface Marker Associated Cell Type
CD2Pan T cells; natural killer cells
CD3Pan T cells
CD4T-helper cells
CD5Pan T cells and B cell abnormalities (e.g., B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) and mantle cells)
CD7Pan T cells (earliest marker)
CD8T-cytotoxic cells
Also known as common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen (CALLA)
Early T and B cells, mature follicular cells
CD19Pan B cells (earliest marker)
HLA-DRB cells (also present on activated T cells)
CD20B cells
CD23B cells (present in B-CLL and not present in mantle cells)
Kappa or Lambda light chain immunoglobulin (not antigen)
B cells - A mature B cell should express one or the other; there should be a good mix of Kappa and Lambda across a B cell population. The normal kappa:lambda ratio is approximately 2:1. In a clonal (cancerous) population, one cell line will proliferate and that line will exhibit one of these light chains. This will indicate clonality.
Also known as the leukocyte common antigen
Pan white blood cells (may vary in staining intensity between mature and immature white blood cells)
*Pan = across all