Fisher-Race and Wiener Terminology Road-map

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Fisher-Race and Wiener Terminology Road-map

Transfusion medicine professionals should be fluent in the various terminologies and naming conventions used in discussions of the Rh system. For example, reference laboratory technologists may state that a patient who has anti-e needs to receive R2R2 red blood cells. The table below is a roadmap that students and laboratory professionals may find helpful in understanding Fisher-Race and Wiener terminology. An upper case R is used when the D antigen is present - Rh positive. A lower case r is used when the D antigen is absent - Rh negative.
Wiener geneWiener shorthand designationFisher-Race antigens
Rh0 R0 Dce
Rh1 R1 DCe
Rh2 R2 DcE
Rhz Rz DCE
rh r dce
rh' r' dCe
rh" r" dcE
rhy rz dCE
Modified from Harmening, D: Table 7-3, Modern blood banking and transfusion practices, 6thed, FA Davis, Philadelphia, PA 2012, p 152.