Instrument Selection

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Microbial Identification Using MALDI-TOF MS. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Microbial Identification Using MALDI-TOF MS (online CE course)
Instrument Selection

Currently, there are several instruments that perform microbial identification using MALDI-TOF MS methodology including:
  1. The Bruker microflex® (MALDI Biotyper®) (Billerica, MA)
  2. bioMérieux VITEK® MS (Durham, NC)
  3. Andromas SAS (Paris, France)
  4. Deaou Biotechnology-MS Identification System (China)
  5. Shimadzu MALDI-TOF MS (UK)
The first two instruments listed are available in the United States and have received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the identification of certain groups of microorganisms. The instruments are relatively simple in components and include a laser, a pump (to affect a vacuum in the flight tube), and a detector, all coordinated by electronic circuitry. These two systems differ in several ways, including size (footprint), sample throughput, time to result, consumables, target plates, preventative/routine maintenance, and automation capability. These differences are discussed on the next page.
Other instruments are used primarily for clinical diagnostics in Europe and/or research use only. As new systems are introduced, laboratories must remain apprised of current or pending FDA approval of systems, test kits, and organism databases.