Tertiary Hyperadrenalism

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Adrenal Gland Function and Disorders. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Adrenal Gland Function and Disorders (online CE course)
Tertiary Hyperadrenalism

Tertiary causes of an overactive adrenal gland are due to problems with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is producing excess CRH and the negative feedback loop between the adrenal gland and the hypothalamus is essentially unresponsive.
The hypothalamus can be overactive due to trauma, cancer, infections, or idiopathic causes. The signs and symptoms of tertiary hyperadrenalism are the same as primary and secondary because the main issues are a result of excess cortisol.
Tertiary hyperadrenal gland disorders are extremely rare.
Table 5. Hyperadrenalism.
PathologyHormone Levels in the BodyResponsible Organ
Primary↑↑Cortisol, ↓↓ACTH, ↓↓CRHAdrenal Gland
Secondary (Cushing's Disease)↑↑Cortisol, ↑↑ACTH, ↓↓CRH
Pituitary Gland
TertiaryCortisol, ↑↑ACTH, ↑↑CRH