Engineering Controls

The page below is a sample from the LabCE course HIV Safety for Florida Clinical Laboratory Personnel. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Engineering Controls

Engineering controls are the first lines of defense against potential exposure to HIV in the laboratory. Engineering controls are designed to isolate or remove HIV and other bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) from the workplace.
Examples of engineering controls that can protect against potential HIV exposure in the laboratory include:
  • Bench top splashguard (indicated by the arrow in the image on the right)- Protects from splatter and sprays when opening and transferring specimens
  • Needle safety devices- Minimize the risk of HIV and other BBP exposure via needlestick
  • Plastic blood collection tubes and capillary tubes - Reduce chance of breakage and exposure to HIV and other BBPs
  • Rigid sharps disposal containers - Prevent injury and BBP exposure