Proper scientific writing style is useful when conveying the taxonomy and designated nomenclature of microorganisms. Style provides a standardized way of communicating information.
The following pages review some of the subtleties used in medical microbiology disciplines: bacteriology, mycology, mycobacteriology, virology, parasitology, and molecular. Examples will be provided.4
Of particular interest, when writing procedures or other documents that include a microorganism that has recently undergone a name change, the AMA Manual of Style authors recommend using a qualifier, such as "formerly".5 For example, Bacteroides ureolyticus (formerly Bacteroides corrodens).
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Updated 2022, March 2). Scientific nomenclature. Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal. AMA Manual of Style Committee. (2020). AMA Manual of Style - A Guide for Authors and Editors (11th ed.). Oxford University Press.