Opiate Abuse

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course The Toxicology Laboratory's Role in Pain Management: Testing for Opiates. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Opiate Abuse

Although opiates are prescribed for pain, they are also used illicitly. Opiates can cause euphoria. This trait means that opiates have value on the street as recreational drugs. Prescription opiate abuse is a tremendous problem in the United States and other countries. Abuse of non-prescription opiates centers around the use of heroin. Heroin is simply morphine with two additional acetyl groups. Heroin is a very potent opiate that is taken intravenously and causes intense euphoria and narcosis. Heroin addiction often follows prescription opiate use. Patients prescribed opiates can become dependent and then addicted. When their prescription is no longer obtainable, some resort to illicit opiate use, which is typically heroin. There is no doubt that poor pain management practices and overuse of opiates have fueled and are likely the root of the current heroin crisis in the United States.
When heroin is metabolized in the body, it will initially lose one acetyl group. The resulting compound is 6-acetylmorphine (abbreviated 6-AM). A finding of 6-AM is conclusive for heroin use. However, 6-AM is rapidly cleared, so it is often detected only in those who have used heroin in the last few hours.
Immunoassays for codeine, morphine, and 6-acetylmorphine are commonly used in acute care settings, emergency settings, and pain management settings.