One-on-One Meetings

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Communication Basics for Laboratory Leaders. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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One-on-One Meetings

One-on-one (1:1) meetings are important for both managers and direct reports. As leaders in any laboratory role, 1:1 meetings are a chance to practice communication skills and emotional intelligence, and build positive, trusting work relationships.
1:1 meetings provide an opportunity to practice:
  • managing up
  • providing constructive feedback
  • closed-loop communication
  • relationship management
  • communication expectations
The benefits of 1:1 meetings include:
  • building a positive trusting relationship between managers and direct reports
  • increase employee engagement knowing they have a protected time to discuss things that are important to them
  • building a culture of communication
  • developing the leadership skills of employees
Some may think they don't have time for 1:1 meetings, especially in a busy laboratory setting, however, studies have shown that spending time on 1:1 meetings will limit the number of times a manager is interrupted for questions, will boost employee engagement and productivity, and will help to proactively identify and resolve issues.
1:1 meetings are meant to supplement the annual evaluations so managers and employees feel more connected.