The control phase of Six Sigma is similar to the sustain phase in 5S, the goal of control is to ensure changes implemented are being maintained. Without control, the process slips back to the old form. A control chart which is similar to a Levy-Jennings chart, can be used for continuous monitoring of the process. Flowcharts should be created to assist staff in understanding the new process and revised procedures should be readily accessible for the staff at the bench. A team can also consider providing the flowchart and procedures electronically to allow easy and quick access. The control phase also marks the end of the project. Before disbanding the team, a storyboard should be completed that details the DMAIC process for the project. A final review should also be performed. The final review should include people outside of the team and should document all lessons learned from the project, opportunities that had not been addressed, and an evaluation of the project. Finally, it is time for the team celebration. The team should invite anyone outside of the team who provided support to the team during the project. The team is then disbanded and team members return to their regular job duties.