Recommended Lean Processes: Waste Walk

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Basics of Lean and Six Sigma for the Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Recommended Lean Processes: Waste Walk

To determine where there is waste, the Lean system recommends taking a waste walk. The table below lists the types of waste that were discussed on the previous page and questions that might be incorporated and considered as the observers proceed through a waste walk. All waste may not be eliminated, but the staff can continually evaluate the work environment and find ways to reduce or minimize it.
While moving through the laboratory to identify waste, as well as in an ongoing fashion, the team should consider the following waste categories by incorporating and considering the probing questions provided for each waste category.

Waste Category
Defect correction
Are paperwork errors being fixed as they occur or when they are discovered?
Are you unable to process items because of illegible handwriting, errors, or other causes?
Is the laboratory producing more reports than needed?
Is the laboratory printing, faxing, copying, and/or e-mailing more than is necessary?
Are more tests or services being ordered or performed than required by the customer (eg, clinical staff) or the patient?
Excess motion
Does staff frequently search for paper documents in cabinets and drawers?
Does staff regularly hand carry paperwork from one laboratory area or clinical department to another?
Excess movement of materials
Is there a constant need to locate and/or move a piece of equipment or other supplies?
Do sufficient temporary locations for supplies and equipment exist?
Is there too much dependency on individual staff members to complete a task before another staff can begin a task?
Are there delays in receiving information between laboratory departments or from other clinical areas of the hospital?
Do patients wait for long periods before receiving necessary or appropriate care?
Do files accumulate?
Does the laboratory purchase excessive supplies?
Are there obsolete items in the laboratory, eg, files, equipment, supplies, and reagents?
Excess processing
Is the laboratory duplicating reports or information continually?
Do individual staff members or departments do more work than is required for a particular process?
Does the laboratory have unnecessary levels of authorization and approval?