Besides batch size reduction, cross-training staff is a key to achieving a Lean laboratory operation. Not only is cross-training essential for Lean operation but it also makes sense, based on the current shortage of laboratory professionals. In a traditional laboratory, every section is separated and has its staff and space. Daily workload is usually not evenly distributed, since it is based on the workload of a particular section. In an example of a Lean laboratory work cell, automated analyzers (hematology, chemistry, immunoassay, and urinalysis) are placed together in a U shape. These automated/high-volume analyzers are placed as close to the central processing area as possible to decrease excess motion, while manual/low-volume testing is located in an area that is further away from specimen processing. The images on the right illustrate the traditional and work cell layouts. A work cell provides several advantages:
- Less staff is required to work in a work cell design
- Ease of coverage during break time
- Less wasted motion
- Enhanced teamwork