Calculating Specificity

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Quality Control. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Calculating Specificity

A test's specificity measures the percentage of individuals without the condition being tested for, who will have a negative test. (A test with high specificity will produce fewer false positive results.)
  • True negative = the individual does not have the disease or illness; results are negative
  • False positive = the individual does not have the disease or illness; results are positive

To calculate specificity, use the following formula:

True Negatives (TN)
Divided by True Negatives (TN) plus False Positives (FP)
Times 100
[TN ÷ (TN + FP)] x 100

The result is a percentage.
Note: The term specificity (or true negative rate) helps with understanding how well a test identifies true negatives.