Terminology Related to Morphologic Features of Molds

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Mycology: Yeasts and Dimorphic Pathogens. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Terminology Related to Morphologic Features of Molds

Several morphologic terms are used to help identify species of fungi. Several of these terms are used in this course:
Ascocarp: A large saclike structure in which sexual spores are produced. Ascospores are the spores within the sacs of the mature fruiting bodies.
Asci: Smaller sacs within an ascocarp containing four to eight ascospores.
Arthroconidia: A spore that is formed from the hyphae by fragmentation. Microscopically, mature arthroconidia appear square, rectangular, or barrel-shaped with thick walls.
Blastospore: A fungal cell produced by budding.
Chlamydoconidia: Round, thick-walled spores. May be intercalary (within the hyphae) or terminal (on the end of the hyphae).
Conidia: Asexual spores produced singly or in groups.
Conidiophores: Specialized hyphal strands that produce conidia.
Phialide: A single, slender, tubular conidiophore.
Pseudohyphae: A chain of elongated yeast cells resembling hyphae.
Metulae: Secondary branches.
Microconidia: Small, unicellular conidia that are round, elliptical, or pyriform (pear-shaped).
Macroconidia: Large, multi-septate conidia that are club- or spindle-shaped.