Implementation and Maintenance of Job Descriptions, continued

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Personnel Qualifications and Performance Evaluation. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Implementation and Maintenance of Job Descriptions, continued

At the time of hire, each employee and appropriate management personnel are required to review, acknowledge, and sign the job description for the position. The signature of the employee provides documentation of the acceptance of the terms and responsibilities of the position upon hire. In the case of the laboratory, the laboratory director or designee is the appropriate manager for review of employee's job descriptions as required by the compliance organization.
The signature sheets are retained for the duration of employment and specified period of time post-employment as required by the business, compliance and accreditation organizations, and laws, as appropriate. Proof of review and documentation must also be available at the time of site surveys for review by compliance and accreditation agencies, as appropriate.
Following revision, job descriptions must be reviewed and signed by the employee, management designee, or laboratory director. Documentation is retained for the review and acceptance of the altered conditions of employment.