Implementation and Maintenance of Job Descriptions

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Implementation and Maintenance of Job Descriptions

The business is responsible for providing a comprehensive job description for each employee. The approval and implementation of a job description may include various levels of administrative input and approval. Administrative personnel should be familiar with all regulations regarding required information and approvals required for a job description. The job description should be clear, concise, and easy to read and interpret but contain sufficient detail not only for compliance but also to provide appropriate direction for the employee and administration. Specific flexible details such as supervisory personnel, location of position, work hours, etc., are not included in a job description. Information related to hiring and human resources processes will also not be included in the job description but rather will be available in employee handbooks or human resources policies and procedures.
The business will utilize the job description to provide sufficient detail describing the required experience and education to assist in the selection process. The business will use the job description to verify the minimum requirements for a candidate considered for a specific position.