Purpose of A Job Description

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Personnel Qualifications and Performance Evaluation. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Purpose of A Job Description

A job description is a vital document for both human resources and each employee. Each job description provides a summary of the duties and responsibilities of the position. A separate job description is required for each job. The specific job description is designed to emphasize knowledge, skills, and affective characteristics required for the job. Specific requirements include information such as:
  • Education and experience
  • Physical requirements
  • Knowledge and/or skill set
  • Personnel or departments with which the position will interact or interface
An effective job description also specifies information related to safety hazards, general statements regarding supervisory chain of command, as well as institution-specific items.
The job description has elements that can structure the entire hiring process. Each job description is written to justify the need for the position. It can assist with the recruiting process since recruiters or recruiting personnel may not always be familiar with the details of the position or the requirements.
The job description is an integral document in the interview process. The job requirements may be used to structure interview questions to determine the acceptability of the candidate for the position. Its details may be shared to provide the prospective employee with what will be expected during employment.