Select the Best Risk Management Treatment(s)

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Risk Management in the Clinical Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Select the Best Risk Management Treatment(s)

Selecting the best risk management treatments involves two steps. The first step requires that there be an attempt to forecast what effect or effects the suggested alternative risk treatments might have on the desired objective(s). The second step entails implementing one or more of the alternative treatments that not only meet the desired objective(s) but also meet the desired objective(s) in a cost-effective manner.
Implement the selected treatment(s)
The selected alternative treatment or treatments are then implemented. Everyone who might be affected by the selected treatment(s) must be made aware of the implementation. The Pareto chart is a tool that can be used during the implementation phase. It graphically summarizes and displays the importance of the cause or causes that have been identified in the fishbone diagram and helps the laboratory staff determine which cause to focus on first.

A graph depicting the number of errors per category.