Post-Examination Phase

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Risk Management in the Clinical Laboratory. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Post-Examination Phase

The post-examination phase includes all the processes after test analysis. Recently, significant attention has been focused on errors made during the post-examination phase of laboratory testing and the impact errors made during this phase have on laboratory-related patient outcomes. Similar to the pre-examination phase, the post-examination phase can be divided into those procedures that are within the laboratory and outside the laboratory.
The examples listed below are limited to possible post-examination errors that may occur within the laboratory and over which the laboratory has more control:
  • Laboratory results not verified before being reported
  • Improper data entry or typing mistakes causing erroneous information to be reported
  • Critical values not reported or not reported in a timely manner
  • Laboratory tests not reported or reported to the wrong health provider (for example, poor communication to a patient's physician of the results of laboratory tests that are pending at the time of a patient's discharge)
  • Lack of timeliness of reporting laboratory results (slow turnaround time)
  • Misinterpretation of an alphabetic flag in the result field (i.e. lower case "l" interpreted as the number "1"
  • Oral results misunderstood by receiving party--no "read back" requested to confirm that data was correctly received