Control of Menstrual Cycle

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Pituitary Hormones. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Control of Menstrual Cycle

Both FSH and LH play pivotal roles in the control of the menstrual cycle.
FSH stimulates both the growth of the follicles within the ovaries and the subsequent secretion of estrogen from the maturing follicles.
A surge in LH results in ovulation, the release of the mature follicle from the ovary, with subsequent formation of the corpus luteum, a progesterone-producing temporary endocrine structure.
Both FSH and LH are normally in harmony with Estrogen and Progesterone, as shown in the table.
2. Cornell, B. "Menstrual Hormones." BioNinja, 2016.

Menstrual Hormones (2)