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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Pituitary Hormones. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Pituitary Hormones (online CE course)

Corticotroph cells secrete ACTH.
ACTH stimulates the production of the steroid hormones Cortisol and Aldosterone in the Adrenal Gland. The adrenal glands are located atop the kidneys.
The primary roles of ACTH and their induction of the steroid hormones include:
  • Increased cholesterol transport into the mitochondrion, as cholesterol is the building block for the steroid hormones
  • Increased cholesterol esterase synthesis to facilitate the metabolism of available cholesterol
  • Increased synthesis of pregnenolone, the precursor of the hormone progesterone and glucocorticoid hormones
  • Control of androgen hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands, including testosterone and androstenedione