Procedure: Summary of Gram Stain Reading and Reporting

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Reading and Reporting Gram-stained Direct Smears. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Reading and Reporting Gram-stained Direct Smears (online CE course)
Procedure: Summary of Gram Stain Reading and Reporting

Gram Stain Reading and Reporting Summary:
  • View control smears under oil immersion. If the control smears are stained correctly, continue by reading the remainder of the smears.
  • Look at the direct smear macroscopically to locate the stained area.
  • Scan and examine at least 10 fields under low power.
  • Examine at least 20 fields of the direct smear under oil immersion in an area that is properly decolorized.
  • Identify the following nonbacterial cells, if present:
    • epithelial cells
    • white blood cells
    • red blood cells
    • yeast and hyphae.
  • Look for bacterial microorganisms and record quantity and morphological characteristics.
  • Report the direct smear findings according to your laboratory's reporting procedure.