Table 5: Summary of Acid/Base Conditions and Compensation

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Table 5: Summary of Acid/Base Conditions and Compensation

Associated ConditionsCompensation
Metabolic AcidosisProlonged diarrhea
Renal tubular acidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Lactic acidosis
Respiratory system: hyperventilation will lower the pCO2 which will increase the pH.
Metabolic AlkalosisVomiting
Gastric suction
Prolonged diuretic use
Excess ingestion of antacids
Respiratory system: hypoventilation will raise the pCO2 which will decrease the pH.
Respiratory AcidosisEmphysema
Chronic bronchitis
Sedative drugs
Rebreathing air (i.e., paper bag)
Renal system: kidneys increase H+ ion excretion and retain more HCO3- which will increase the pH.
Respiratory AlkalosisCongestive heart failure (CHF)
Anxiety attack
Pulmonary embolism
Salicylate overdose
Renal system: kidneys increase HCO3- excretion which will decrease the pH.