Protein Error of Indicators

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Chemical Screening of Urine by Reagent Strip. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

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Protein Error of Indicators

Testing for protein in the urine is based on the phenomenon called "protein error of indicators" (the ability of protein to alter the color of some acid-base indicators without altering the pH). In a solution that does not contain protein, an indicator buffered at a pH of 3 is yellow. However, in the presence of protein, particularly albumin, the color changes to green, then blue, depending upon the concentration. This method is more sensitive to albumin than globulin, detecting as little as 5 mg albumin/dL urine. Bence Jones protein and mucoprotein are examples of globulin components that are sometimes present in urine but are not distinguishable by the chemical reagent strip method for urine protein.
False positive results can occur when testing for urine protein. A urine specimen that has remained at room temperature for an extended period may produce a false positive protein result on a reagent strip. A false positive may also occur in the presence of bacterial contamination, alkaline medication, quaternary ammonium compounds, such as disinfectants or drugs, and skin cleansers containing chlorhexidine.