Farm Animals

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The page below is a sample from the LabCE course Basic Concepts of Current and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases. Access the complete course and earn ASCLS P.A.C.E.-approved continuing education credits by subscribing online.

Learn more about Basic Concepts of Current and Emerging Zoonotic Diseases (online CE course)
Farm Animals

There are a large number of zoonoses that can arise from farm animals. Table 1 will cover a few of the more common or interesting diseases. Keep in mind that although farm workers can acquire these, other people such as visitors to farms and meat packers, as well as consumers of meat and dairy products can also get them. Children, elderly, and immunocompromised people are most susceptible.
Table 1. Zoonotic Diseases from Farm Animals.
DiseaseDescriptionAnimal Sources
AnthraxRare but potentially fatal disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, acquired through contact with infected animals or animal products. Causes both respiratory and cutaneous symptoms. Cattle, sheep, pigs, goats
Avian Influenza Exposure to infected birds or their products can transmit this disease caused by Influenza A viruses which cause mainly respiratory symptoms.Poultry (also wild birds)
CampylobacteriosisCampylobacter spp. are a very common cause of diarrhea and abdominal pain and are acquired by eating undercooked meat or ingesting contaminated water or milk products.Poultry, cattle
RingwormFungi such as Microsporum and Trichophyton spp. cause this common skin rash which is very contagious, being transmitted from animals to people and people to people.Cattle, horses, people
SalmonellosisSalmonella spp. cause this common diarrheal disease which is transmitted by wild and domestic animals, especially chickens. It is acquired by eating contaminated meat or other foods and water contaminated by it. It can also be transmitted from person to person if hygiene is poor.Poultry; also pigs, other animals, and people