Red Cell Crossmatch Techniques (Online CE Course)

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Author: Suzanne Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCM, DLMCM, CQA(ASQ)
Reviewers: Sheri Goertzen, MLS(ASCP)BB, CLS(CA), CQA(ASQ) and Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM

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This course covers the various requirements for crossmatching units of packed red cells: patient history, current antibody screen results, and more. Various blood group system antibodies and whether those antibodies are clinically significant is assessed. Different methodologies for carrying out the crossmatch and their associated requirements are also discussed.

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Continuing Education Credits

P.A.C.E.® Contact Hours (acceptable for AMT, ASCP, and state recertification): 2 hour(s)
Approved through 11/30/2026
Florida Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Credit Hours - General (Blood Banking / Immunohematology): 2 hour(s)
Approved through 11/30/2026


  • Describe the various red cell crossmatch methods and their uses.
  • Define the common regulations and guidelines for crossmatching of red cells.
  • Define requirements for the computer crossmatch.
  • Identify the regulations for crosssmatching of red cells.
  • Identify accrediting agency requirements for crossmatching of red cells.
  • Select the appropriate crossmatch for the scenario described.

Customer Ratings

(based on 1,152 customer ratings)

Course Outline

Click on the links below to preview selected pages from this course.
  • Describe the Various Red Cell Crossmatch Methods and Their Uses
  • Define the Common Regulations and Guidelines for Crossmatching of Red Cells
      • Crossmatch Requirements
      • Crossmatch Requirements, continued
      • Crossmatch Requirements, continued
      • Which organization does not have a specific requirement for using antigen-negative blood components if the patient has a clinically significant antibo...
  • Define Requirements for the Computer Crossmatch
      • Computer Crossmatch Requirements
      • Computer Crossmatch Requirements, continued
      • Computer Crossmatch Requirements, continued
      • True or False: The software vendor can validate the computer crossmatch using the software at the vendor site.
      • True or False: The FDA does not have regulations concerning the computer crossmatch.
      • True or False: The computer (electronic) crossmatch can be the only crossmatch method used when the patient has clinically significant antibodies.
  • Identify the Regulations for Crossmatching Red Cells
  • Identify Accrediting Agency Requirements for Crossmatching Red Cells
  • Select an Appropriate Crossmatch for the Scenarios Described
      • Crossmatching Scenarios
      • Scenario #1
      • Scenario #1, continued
      • Scenario #2
      • Scenario #2, continued
      • Scenario #3
      • Scenario #3, continued
      • Scenario #4
      • Scenario #4, continued
      • The warm crossmatch should be considered when the patient has a current positive antibody screen and which of the following?
      • Group O red cells must be administered unless there is a previous result or a second specimen for which pretransfusion test?
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: Medical laboratory scientists, medical laboratory technicians, laboratory supervisors, and laboratory managers. This course is also appropriate for MLS and MLT students and pathology residents.
Author Information: Suzanne H. Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCM, DLM, is the Administrative Manager for Healthcare, Blood Bank & Transfusion Service at the University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Medical Technology from the University of Michigan, a Master's degree in Management and Supervision from Central Michigan University, and Certifications as a Specialist in Blood Bank, as a Quality Audit, and as a Diplomate in Laboratory Medicine. She has edited books and written numerous book chapters and articles. She has been invited to present numerous lectures on computerization in blood banks, automation, and transfusion medicine.
Reviewer Information: 
Sheri Goertzen, MLS(ASCP)BB, CLS(CA), CQA(ASQ), has over 25 years of experience as the Supervisor of Transfusion Services at Valley Children's Healthcare in Madera, CA, and almost 40 years of experience in transfusion services. She has presented at AABB conferences and served as a contributing member or committee chair on several AABB committees.
Laurie Bjerklie, MA, MLS(ASCP)CM, is an Education Developer for MediaLab and LabCE. She earned a B.S. in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of North Dakota and an M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from Saint Xavier University. She has over 15 years of experience in higher education and has held program director and faculty positions in both MLT and MLS programs.

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Antibody Chart

Antibody screen cells
