Concept and Construction of a Laboratory Individualized Quality Control Plan (Online CE Course)

(based on 167 customer ratings)

Author: Ginger A. Baker, MBA, MS, MT (AAB)
Reviewer: Sheryl A. Whitlock, MA.Ed, MT(ASCP)BB

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An individualized quality control plan (IQCP) is a QC plan that is tailored to a laboratory's unique environment (eg, testing personnel, samples, reagents, and testing systems). An IQCP is a quality management tool intended to identify and minimize the risks that could lead to the reporting of erroneous laboratory test results. This course discusses the basic principles of risk assessment and risk mitigation and identifies the tools that are useful for risk assessment. The course taker will learn how to develop an IQCP plan that is based on risk management as well as monitor and document IQCP success.

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Continuing Education Credits

P.A.C.E.® Contact Hours (acceptable for AMT, ASCP, and state recertification): 1 hour(s)
Approved through 8/31/2026
Florida Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Credit Hours - Supervision/Administration, Quality Control/Quality Assurance, and Safety: 1 hour(s)
Approved through 8/31/2026


  • Explain the intent of an individualized quality control plan (IQCP).
  • Discuss the basic principles of risk assessment and risk mitigation.
  • Identify tools that are useful for risk assessment.
  • Develop an IQCP plan that is based on risk management.
  • Monitor and document IQCP success.

Customer Ratings

(based on 167 customer ratings)

Course Outline

Click on the links below to preview selected pages from this course.
  • Individualized Quality Control Plan (IQCP) Introduction
      • Individualized Quality Control Plan
      • Risk and Risk Mitigation
      • IQCP and the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) for Laboratories Operating in the United States
      • IQCP and CLIA, continued
      • The development of an individualized quality control plan (IQCP) involves three major steps. Place the steps in the order in which they should occur i...
  • Tools for Risk Assessment
      • Crafting an IQCP
      • Risk Identification
      • Risk Assessment
      • Risk Assessment Using a Fishbone Diagram
      • Determining the Probability and Severity of Harm
      • Process Map
      • What action should be taken if it is determined that a risk (failure) has a low probability of occurrence?
  • Quality Control Plan
      • Creating a Quality Control Plan (QCP)
      • Quality Control (QC) Tools
      • All of these actions could lead to a reduction in errors; however, some actions are more effective than others. Match each of the actions listed below...
  • Monitor IQCP for Effectiveness
      • Making Sure It Works
      • Successful Risk Mitigation
      • True or False: If a failure occurs after the IQCP process has been completed, the Quality Control Plan (QCP) that was written should be discarded. The...
  • Applying IQCP Principles
  • Conclusion
      • Conclusion and Further Resource Information
  • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: Laboratory administration and management to include medical laboratory scientists and technicians. This course is also appropriate for medical laboratory science students and pathology residents.
Author Information: Ginger A. Baker, MBA, MS, MT (AAB) is a consultant in lean six-sigma laboratory operation and workflow design, professional speaker, author, Chief of US Business Development for BITAC, and the Manager of Laboratory Operations, St. Peter’s Hospital, Montana. In her career Baker has helped shape Laboratory Medicine through her work on multiple CLSI committees. She has worked in a multitude of settings, from a rural critical care hospital to academic urban multifaceted organizations, veterinary specialty laboratories, corporate settings, and consultation services. She holds a Master's in Business Healthcare Administration and a Master of Science in Project Management. Baker has authored articles and conducted seminars in Point-of-Care Testing, Laboratory operations, and Health informatics.
Reviewer Information: Sheryl A. Whitlock, MA.Ed, MT(ASCP)BB is the owner of ARK Laboratory Consulting, LLC. Sheryl served as the laboratory coordinator for the Student Health Services Laboratory at the University of Delaware for 15 years. Sheryl received her Master’s degree in Education from Arcadia University. She has more than 35 years of experience in laboratory science including management, education, and hands-on bench experience. She has written and published textbooks and laboratory manuals as well as having contributed to numerous online and print articles in the field of laboratory medicine.

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Process map for ammonia Ginger edit

process map for ammonia edit

Fishbone diagram

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SAC Matrix