Case Studies in Pediatric Hematology (Online CE Course)

(based on 263 customer ratings)

Author: Kyle D. Mills, DO, MLS(ASCP)SH
Reviewer: Rebecca Sacks, MLS(ASCP)CM

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This course will expose the reader to six case studies in pediatric hematology. These cases involve hematopathology prevalent from birth to the beginning of adulthood (age 18). Each case begins with the history of present illness or HPI. After you have been given the opportunity to review pertinent laboratory studies, the concept will be reviewed, and the patient’s case will be explained with a focus on physiologic concepts in hematology.

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Continuing Education Credits

P.A.C.E.® Contact Hours (acceptable for AMT, ASCP, and state recertification): 1 hour(s)
Approved through 11/30/2025
Approved through 11/30/2025


  • Calculate mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and corrected white blood cell (WBC) count.
  • Predict peripheral smear microscopic characteristics using basic hemogram parameters.
  • Identify laboratory testing panels that best assess for hematological conditions.
  • Categorize cytochemistry stains and immunophenotyping results in the setting of acute leukemias.
  • Identify characteristics of macrocytic anemias.
  • Differentiate between alpha and beta thalassemia.

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Course Outline

Click on the links below to preview selected pages from this course.
  • Approaching “Case Studies in Pediatric Hematology”
  • Case 1: Four-Week-Old Infant Born Prematurely
      • History of Present Illness (HPI) for Candace
      • Relevant Laboratory Studies for Candace
      • How would you describe the image of Candace’s peripheral blood smear?
      • Which hormone is responsible for the regulation of erythrocyte production?
      • Patient Diagnosis: Anemia of Prematurity
      • Review of Hematopoiesis
      • Review of Hematopoiesis, continued
      • Match the listed peripheral blood cells with their correct progenitor cell lineage, either myeloid or lymphoid.
  • Case 2: Eight-Month-Old Born in Mexico
      • History of Present Illness (HPI) for Nicolás
      • Which laboratory assay represents the amount of iron stored in the body?
      • Relevant Laboratory Studies for Nicholás
      • How would you describe the representative image of Nicolás' peripheral blood smear?
      • Patient Diagnosis: Iron Deficiency Anemia
      • True or False: In iron deficiency anemia, as serum iron decreases total iron binding capacity (TIBC) increases.
      • Comparing Iron Studies in Iron Deficiency Anemia versus Anemia of Chronic Disease
  • Case 3: Five-Year-Old with Stomach Pain
      • History of Present Illness (HPI) for Patrick
      • Relevant Laboratory Studies for Patrick
      • How would you describe the representative image of Patrick’s peripheral blood smear?
      • Identify the composition of the RBC inclusions seen in this image.
      • Patient Diagnosis: Lead Poisoning
      • Blood Lead Level Collection and Processing Issues
      • Which of the following is not appropriate for blood lead level collection and processing?
  • Case 4: 13-Year-Old with Weight Loss
  • Case 5: 2-Year-Old with "Flu" for a Month
      • History of Present Illness (HPI) for Benton
      • Relevant Laboratory Studies for Benton
      • How would you describe the representative image of Benton’s peripheral blood smear?
      • True or False: Staining for myeloperoxidase (MPO) is significant in distinguishing myeloid blasts from lymphoid blasts as MPO is present in granules o...
      • Patient Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic/Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
      • Review of Immunophenotyping and Cytochemistry Staining in Leukemias
  • Case 6: 12-Month-Old with Dark Urine
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Basic
Intended Audience: Medical laboratory scientists and medical laboratory technicians. This course is also appropriate for medical laboratory students, pathology residents, and other healthcare personnel who are interested in the physiologic concepts surrounding pediatric hematology.
Author Information: Kyle D. Mills, DO, MLS(ASCP)SH, completed his professional medical education at the University of Pikeville - Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine in Pikeville, Kentucky, in 2018. He is currently pursuing a residency in internal medicine at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Mills also holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree from the University of Kentucky and is an American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) certified Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) and Specialist in Hematology (SH). Before attending medical school, Dr. Mills worked on the laboratory bench as a generalist and led a medical laboratory technician program.
Reviewer Information: Rebecca Sacks, MLS(ASCP)CM is a Lead Medical Laboratory Scientist in Hematology at South County Hospital in Wakefield, Rhode Island. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology from the University of Rhode Island and an Associate of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science from Bristol Community College. She most recently started tutoring Medical Laboratory Science students at Bristol Community College as well as volunteering as a Subject Matter Expert with AMT.

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Basophilic stippling.

Heinz bodies_arrows

Hematopoiesis cell types scheme_Shutterstock

hypersegmented neutrophil_shutterstock_JB

microcytes hypochromic

Macrocytic Ovalocytes