Clinical Manifestations of EEE

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Clinical Manifestations of EEE

Infection with EEE is asymptomatic in about 95% of cases, but severe cases are seen, with a mortality rate of 33%. A high fever, headache, and vomiting are the beginnings of inflammation of the brain. It can progress to disorientation, seizures, and/or coma. Significant brain damage can be seen in survivors. Immunity is lifelong.
In the United States, an average of 11 cases are reported annually. In 2024, 9 states reported cases with a total of 19 cases. Most illness with EEE occurs from June to October.
There is no treatment beyond supportive measures and there is no vaccine is available.
Figure 29. Eastern equine encephalitis virus - current year data (2024). (2025). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Figure 29. Eastern equine encephalitis virus cases in the United States in 2024