The Neutralizing Antibodies (NAbs) detection methods based on cells are complex, time-consuming, and require at least a Biosafety Level-2 (BSL-2) laboratory. Replacing cell-based neutralization assays with a surrogate virus neutralization test (sVNT) remains to be explored. sVNTs do not require the use of live virus or pseudovirus. The detection can be completed quickly under ordinary research laboratory conditions. A distinct disadvantage is that sVNTs can only detect designated antibodies. The sensitivity and specificity of sVNTs are lower than cell-based neutralization assays. Because of these disadvantages, sVNTs are currently used as supplementary tests for cell-based neutralization assays.29
29. Lu, Y., Wang. J., & Li. Q. (2021). Advances in neutralization assays for SARS-CoV-. Scandinavian J Immunology. doi:10.11111/sji.13088.