In this case, the mother did not require transfusion. For reference, the TS laboratory routinely uses an electronic crossmatch to detect ABO incompatibility for cases where patients do not have unexpected clinically significant antibodies in current antibody screen tests nor a history of clinically significant antibodies. When the laboratory information system (LIS) is down, the lab performs an immediate spin crossmatch.
Should transfusion have been needed, these questions arise:
1. Does a mother with a detectable passive anti-D due to RhIG qualify for an immediate spin (IS) or electronic crossmatch should transfusion be necessary?
The issue also extends to the future:
2. Should having a record of passive anti-D that is no longer detectable disqualify a mother from being a candidate for an immediate spin or electronic crossmatch?
Before proceeding, consider the policies used in your TS laboratory and which rationales are used to support them.