Course Outline
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- Introduction
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Hepatitis B Virus
- Hepatitis C Virus
- HCV Transmission
- HCV Infection
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Summary of HBV, HCV, and HIV
- Summary of HBV, HCV, and HIV
- Introduction to OSHA
- Preventive Measures
- Methods of Control
- Methods of Control
- Engineering Controls
- Work Practice Controls
- Acquiring an infection as a result of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) can be prevented by taking which of the following precautio...
- Sharps
- Specimens and Containers
- Housekeeping
- Contaminated Wastes
- Labeling
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Gloves
- Face and Eye Protection
- Garments Worn as PPE
- Garments Worn as Personal Protective Equipment
- Which of the following would not offer sufficient facial protection if splashes or sprays of blood or other potentially infectious materials may occur...
- Hand Hygiene
- Post-Exposure Follow-Up
- Exposure Incidents
- Exposure Incident
- If an Exposure Occurs
- Avoiding Exposure
- Avoiding Exposure
- What should you do if you accidentally stick your finger with a contaminated needle?
- Ebola Virus
- Protecting Against Occupational Exposure to Ebola Virus
- Ebola Treatment
- COVID-19
- Protecting Against Exposure to COVID-19
- References
Additional Information
Level of instruction: Basic
Intended Audience: Health care personnel and other professional personnel whose occupations involve the potential of exposure to bloodborne pathogens
Author Information: Terry Jo Gile, MT(ASCP)MA Ed has over 45 years experience as a certified medical technologist. She has a bachelor's degree in Biology from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, and a master's degree in Education from Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. For 20 years she was a member of the management team at Barnes-Jewish Hospital Department of Laboratories in St. Louis, Missouri, and served as the Safety Officer as well as a laboratory safety consultant to the BJC Health System. Terry Jo headed her own consulting firm, Safety Lady, LLC, for 27 years. In that capacity, she lectured and consulted worldwide on the proper implementation of safety programs in clinical laboratories.
Reviewer Information: Judi Bennett, MT, BSM is a Program Director for MediaLab, Inc. During her 25 year career in clinical laboratory science, she has served as Laboratory Manager, Senior System Analyst, Point-of-Care Coordinator, Microbiology Supervisor, and generalist. Judi has been a speaker at various LIS, AMT, and CLMA conferences and has been published in peer-reviewed publications.
Reviewer Information: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM has over 20 years of experience as a medical laboratory scientist, section supervisor, and laboratory manager. He is currently a Program Director at MediaLab, Inc. Alexandru holds BS degrees in Biology and Medical Technology from Clark Atlanta University and an MBA from the University of Georgia.