Infection Prevention and Control for Healthcare Personnel (Online CE Course)

(based on 651 customer ratings)

Judi Bennett, MT, BSM
Reviewers: Leah Westover, MPH, MLS(ASCP); Daniel J. Scungio, MT (ASCP), SLS, CQA (ASQ)

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Infection prevention and control is one of the most important pillars of healthcare employee training, and the focus of many regulatory accreditation mandates. Within the healthcare environment, hand hygiene, bloodborne pathogens, personal protective equipment (PPE) and transmission prevention are some of the most important training categories required for every healthcare employee. This course addresses each of these key concepts as well as standard precautions, proper waste disposal, disinfection techniques, among others. Descriptive scenarios and real-world assessment questions are included for enhanced learning. This course includes both ungraded practice questions and an assessment exam upon completion.

This course is intended for employees who are likely to be exposed to potentially infected bodily fluids, including first-aid responders, maintenance personnel, janitorial staff, and any personnel assigned to clean up such fluids. Other employees should receive the same training for awareness purposes so that all employees understand how to handle hazardous situations and whom they should report to, so that spills are cleaned up correctly.

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  • Identify techniques to properly perform hand hygiene.
  • Discuss Standard Precautions designed to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
  • Recognize proper disposal procedures for biohazardous waste.
  • Select procedures that correctly manage bloodborne pathogen exposure incidents.
  • Outline proper storage of food, medication, linen, and clean equipment.
  • Describe procedures involved in transmission-based precautions, including contact, droplet, and airborne isolation categories.

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(based on 651 customer ratings)

Course Outline

Click on the links below to preview selected pages from this course.
  • Introduction: Need for Infection Prevention and Control Practices
      • Constant State of Readiness
  • Standard Precautions
  • Hand Hygiene
      • Proper Hand Washing Technique
      • When Should Hand Hygiene be Performed?
      • Water-Free Hand Hygiene
      • There are certain situations when only soap and water are appropriate to adequately clean hands, such as when your hands are visibly dirty. As long as...
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Engineering Controls, and Safe Workplace Controls
      • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
      • Engineering Controls
      • Work Practice Controls
      • Which action represents a safe procedure to perform with a needle prior to disposal?
  • Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Standard
      • Bloodborne Pathogens and Exposure Incidents
      • Exposure Control Plan
      • Reacting to a Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure
      • Which of the following scenarios does NOT describe a BBP exposure?
  • Waste Disposal
      • Infectious/Biohazardous Waste
      • Sharps Waste
      • A venipuncture procedure is performed on what appears to be a healthy eight-year-old child. Upon removing the needle from the child's arm, the self-sh...
  • Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization in the Healthcare Environment
  • Handling, Transport, and Storage of Clean and Dirty Linen
  • Transmission Prevention
  • Transmission-Based Precautions
      • Empiric and Syndromic Precautions
      • Transmission-Based Precautions
      • Contact Precautions
      • Droplet Precautions
      • Airborne Precautions
      • What type of precautions would a patient with a draining wound be placed on?
  • COVID-19
      • Protecting Against Exposure to COVID-19
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of instruction: Basic
Intended audience: All healthcare personnel.
Author information: Judi Bennett, MT, BSM is currently a Program Director for MediaLab, Inc. in Lawrenceville, Georgia. She has over 30 years of medical laboratory experience in an acute care hospital setting as a laboratory manager, senior clinical applications specialist, point-of-care coordinator, microbiology supervisor, and generalist technologist. Judi has experience speaking at various professional conferences and is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications.
Reviewer information: Leah Westover, MPH, MLS(ASCP) is a Program Director for MediaLab Inc. Previously, Leah was the Director of Education and Outreach as well as the Medical Laboratory Science Program Director at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She holds a Masters in Public Health from Thomas Jefferson University.
Reviewer Information: Daniel J. Scungio, MT (ASCP), SLS, CQA (ASQ) has over 25 years of experience as a certified Medical Technologist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology from the State University of New York at Buffalo in Amherst and Buffalo, New York. Dan worked as a laboratory generalist in hospitals ranging in size from 75 to 800 beds before becoming a laboratory manager. After 10 years of lab management, he became the Laboratory Safety Officer for a system of more than 10 hospitals and over 20 laboratories and draw sites in the Tidewater area of Virginia.
Course information: This course intends to provide an overview of the importance of infection prevention and control guidelines and practices in the healthcare workplace.

How to Subscribe
Individual course$25Add to cart
Infection control graphic

gloves and goggles


Sharps container

Alcohol based hand rub 400