Lab Continuing Education for California CLS Licensees

Get continuing education courses you'll need for your California license and renewal

The State of California requires you to complete 24 hours of continuing education each time you renew your California clinical laboratory license. LabCE is a convenient and affordable way to complete this requirement. Continuing education is required for all clinical laboratory license holders, including clinical laboratory scientists.

Quality courses

With one low subscription price, you'll get access to over 229 hours of continuing education. ASCLS P.A.C.E.® contact hours, which are awarded upon completion of a LabCE course, can be used towards the required 24 hours of continuing education for California. One ASCLS P.A.CE.® contact hour = one California continuing education hour. Since LabCE offers 229 hours of continuing education across 185 courses, you'll be able to pick and choose the continuing education courses that are most interesting to you or most relevant to your day-to-day needs.

Convenient and affordable

An individual subscription is only $109 and includes access to all 185 LabCE courses, or pick up to 8 hours of CE for just $55. Because LabCE is entirely online, you can complete your required CA continuing education in just a few days. No waiting on mailed material or faxed score sheets. Subscribe online to get immediate access, and once you complete any course, you'll be able to print a certificate of completion right from your own computer. Send a copy of your certificates of completion to California along with your clinical laboratory science license renewal.

Learn more

Revised 7/27/2020

Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the information provided above is correct and up-to-date. However, requirements change and interpretations vary. Please check with your own certifying organizations and agencies to determine continuing education, licensure, and recertification requirements. LabCE and MediaLab assumes no responsibility for any errors and omissions that may be present in the information on this page.